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Your amazing welcome offer!

Your free Zero to Learn Fingerpicking book has been sent to you via email.


As a thank you for downloading this book and signing up to my newsletter, I want to give you an absolutely incredible offer to really turbocharge your learning.


The Turbocharge your Fingerpicking Bundle

This bundle would normally be valued at $175 but you can get it now for $20


It consists of 

– all audio files (fast and slow) to accompany the exercises of the book you just received

– the Fingerpicking Cheat Sheet book

– the Theory for Guitar Players book

– the next book in this series Intermediate Fingerpicking Guitar

– all audio files for that book’s exercises too 

– 50 additional Intermediate Fingerpicking Exercises (complete with audio files as well)




This is a one-time offer that I give to people who just joined my mailing list. 
Get it here while you still can!




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