Blues Fingerpicking Course Bundle

What’s the quickest way to make your guitar playing sound great? Learn the blues. Blues guitar follows a relatively simple structure - easy to learn and quick to become fluent in.
In a matter of days, you can learn the blues patterns played by legends like Muddy Waters, BB King, Eric Clapton and others and start sounding great. Because this course takes a fingerstyle approach to the blues, it is ideal for guitarists who enjoy playing the guitar alone - but it’s also great for playing with other people!
Maybe you've tried to pick up the guitar before but failed? Or maybe you're just interesting in trying something new - but you're not very musical? Maybe you have small or fat hands or fingers? None of these should block your progress!
Learning the blues is a great way for you to progress your fingerpicking. You can learn the basic structure and then easily learn a few blues lead licks -which will blow away your friends and help you add a bit of melodic playing without signing up for a university degree!
Most of all, playing the blues in a fingerstyle approach is great fun. You’ll love each and every minute that you spend learning and playing it - all while improving your technique and expanding your repertoire.
One bundle - 3 courses!
Get these 3 courses in this Blues Fingerpicking bundle!

Beginner Course
Play blues musically in the first few days
The course has five sections:
Foundations – the 12-bar blues structure, I-IV-V chord sequence, dominant 7th chords, how to fingerpick the 12-bar blues
12-Bar Blues Examples – learn 5 fingerpicking pieces, including a 12-bar blues in E, A, G each with their own melody
Turnarounds & Quick Changes – learn ascending & descending turnarounds and how to add quick changes to your blues
Blues Scales – learn both E minor pentatonic and E blues scales in every position of the guitar neck
Final Song – put everything together with a fully loaded blues fingerpicking piece that uses everything you’ve learned
Note that each section will advance your musicality but will primarily generate the outcome of you being able to play something new and challenging!
Example Videos
Here is a sample of some of the blues pieces you will learn on this course.
Blues in G

Blues in A

Blues in E

Ready to play fingerstyle blues?

Intermediate Course
Designed to make you play blues musically in the first few days
The course has five sections:
The CAGED Guitar System – learn guitar shapes all over the neck, in particular 5 shapes each for E7, A7 and B7 chords
8-Bar Blues – learn the 8-bar blues while learning blues fingerpicking with blues riffs and scales in position 2
Minor Blues – learn the minor blues format while learning blues fingerpicking in position 3 and techniques for practising scales with fingerpicking
Shuffle Blues – learn shuffle blues by learning how to count in shuffle feel and learn blues fingerpicking in position 4 with tied triplets.
Position Five – learn blues riffs, scales, arpeggios and doublestops while playing in position 5.
Note that each section will advance your musicality but will primarily generate the outcome of you being able to play something new and challengin
Example Videos
Here is a sample of some of the blues pieces you will learn on this course.
8-Bar Blues

Minor Blues

Shuffle Blues

Ready to play fingerstyle blues?

Advanced Course
Designed to make you play blues musically in the first few days
The course has three sections:
Alternate Bass Blues – learn the technique, 3 alternate bass examples, play the 12-bar in E and A with alternate bass and learn the songs Alternate Blues and John Henry!
Travis Picking Blues – learn the technique and then Travis bass and full patterns over E7, A7 & B7 & learn six Blues Travis Picking riffs
Piedmont Style Fingerpicking Blues – learn the minor blues format while learning blues fingerpicking in position 3 and techniques for practising scales with fingerpicking
Example Videos
Here is a sample of some of the blues pieces you will learn on this course.
Alternate Bass Blues

Travis Picking Blues

Piedmont Style Blues

Learn how to play blues lead guitar in fingerpicking style

This course will transform you as a musician. The practice of Lead Fingerpicking is one where you play lead guitar (e.g. blues riffs) while also playing a steady bass.
You can learn this technique in 30 days with my structured approach!
Today you can play a few chords and even play some fingerpicking patterns.
After this intermediate course, you'll be a guitar player that causes people to say 'wow' when they watch you play.
You will be able to play any melody you like while keeping your bass line going and you will add chord strumming to both of those – giving you the effect of 3 guitarists playing at the same time.
I call this the '3 guitars' effect and this will completely transform how you see and play the guitar.
What's Included (all 3 courses)
High Definition Video
With multiple camera angles (so you can see what each hand is doing)
Lesson PDFs
Including guitar tablature for all parts. And helpful hints for nailing the last exercise if you found it a challenge
Audio Files
So you can play along with each example at multiple speeds, at your own pace


Optimized for your success
This structure of this program is designed to help you get results immediately:
- A structured framework of 68 small parts.
- That fit into a 15 minutes a day practice schedule.
- Where each session gives you an exercise to practice at the end
- And the following session will give you tips if you found that exercise challenging.
- By the end of these 3 courses, you will have made huge progress .

Frequently Asked Questions
This bundle contains 3 courses
- Beginner Blues Fingerpicking
- Intermediate Blues Fingerpicking
- Advanced Blues Fingerpicking
That’s almost 70 lessons – each with a HD video with three camera angles (full, left hand and right hand) so that you can zone in and see what each hand is doing.
Each lesson also comes with a downloadable PDF and the relevant music tablature for each lesson.
Complete beginner? This bundle is perfect for you. I have added a few chapters of additional beginner material as appendices to the Beginner Blues course to show you the basics.
Done one of my courses before? – many of you will have some fingerpicking ability – but the Beginner Blues course will have lots of blues-specific material which is new for you.
The Intermediate Blues and Advanced Blues courses then go quite deep – but as always with my teaching style, we break everything down slowly and make slow, steady progress which really adds up after a few weeks.
People of every finger and hand size can play guitar.
Using your wrist and elbow correctly, your fingers will do just fine for the job we’ll ask them to do. I’ll show you what you need to know.
Absolutely not. I have students in their 80s who are fingerpicking beautifully.
If you tried to learn before and failed, I believe that it’s not your fault. Too many courses don’t give you musical reward in the first couple of hours of playing (unlike this course!). So give it a try – you have nothing to lose.
I have 50k students who testify that this system works.
But there is also a 30-day no-questions-asked money back guarantee. Email me using the contact form in the footer if you don’t feel like the course helped you to make progress.
This allows you to try the course without any risk.
Lead Fingerpicking is the ability to play a lead guitar line using individual guitar notes (rather than chords) at the same time as keeping a steady bassline going.
This makes your playing sound like 2 guitarists – one playing lead guitar and another playing bass. It’s an amazing skill to learn on guitar and it’s so much easier to master than people think. Follow the structured exercises in this course and find out for yourself.
Alternate Bass is a fingerpicking method that uses the thumb to play multiple alternated bass notes. Travis Picking is a way of playing thumb patterns and fingered strings to create a harp like effect. Piedmont Style is a blend of Travis Picking with chord strums to create a country blues fingerpicking effect.
Most people apply Travis Picking to a static chord.
For example, they fret a C chord and play it using Travis Picking.
This course focuses on lead fingerpicking – so the goal is to use Travis Picking to play blues riffs (lead guitar lines) while maintaining that Travis accompaniment. Quite different.
A lot. You’ll learn the 2 most important blues scales (Minor Pentatonic and Blues scale) all over the guitar neck. You’ll also fingerpick several types of blues: 8-Bar Blues, Minor Blues & Shuffle Blues. This is knowledge you’ll use for the rest of your life.
You will learn 26 blues riffs all over the fretboard. You’ll play them using lead fingerpicking – meaning that for each of them you will be playing a regular steady bassline. You will learn several full pieces.
This course will teach you a lot of blues, but will also teach you lead fingerpicking which is a skill that will transform you as a musician
I show you the scales, which of course you should play and start to get the feel of. However, the focus is immediately on the blues riffs that we learn (and then you can see how that fits into the scale shape we just learned).
I already know the pentatonic and blues scales. Is there any point in doing this course?
Yes. Many guitarists could play scales all day long without sounding musical.
This course will show you 26 blues riffs that you not only play, but play with lead fingerpicking. This is the music and this is the improvement we seek
They don’t focus on the blues as such.
You can expect to enjoy the benefits of all the practice you have done since the day you started to really take off.
The final piece we learn in this course is Summit Blues. Watching this video will set your expectations.